The PM has called the death of an Australian aid worker in Gaza, killed in an Israeli airstrike along with six other foreign co-workers, as “completely unacceptable” (“Fury over killing of charity worker”, April 4). Indeed. However, with more than 30,000 Palestinians, half of them women and children, killed., why has it taken the death of a single Australian for our government to label Israel’s actions as “completely unacceptable”? There is mounting evidence of Israel being responsible for ongoing war crimes, crimes against humanity, and using starvation as an instrument of warfare. Is this not by any definition “completely unacceptable”? The hypocrisy is staggering. Lindsay Smith, Linden
Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:
Israel’s time to “defend itself” has expired. It could and should have defended itself before the October 7 Hamas attack. There’s credible evidence that Israel was warned of the likely attack, yet failed to defend itself, with the implication that Benjamin Netanyahu knew it would justify an all-out assault on Gaza.
Our prime minister says the killing of one Australian aid worker is “completely unacceptable”. Where is the outrage at the killing of more than 30,000 mostly innocent Gazans in five months – is this not completely unacceptable? Of the death of the aid workers, Benjamin Netanyahu says “these things happen in war”. He needs the war to continue for his own political survival. This is not a war, it’s deliberate mass murder by violence and starvation. If Anthony Albanese is serious, he should stop all Australian political and military support for Israel now. Then he should ensure no Australian equipment, arms or ammunition is being provided to Israel by any private Australian-based company. Then call for an immediate end to the “war” and dissociate Australia from continuing US military support of Israel. Use the death of Zomi Frankcom to bring about some lasting good. Kevin Fell, Cooks Hill
The PM has demanded “accountability” from the Israeli government over the murder of Zomi Frankcom. The IDF has promised an “independent” investigation of what Netanyahu has already pre-emptively claimed to be an “unintentional” incident. Meanwhile, the IDF claims that its operations are conducted with “precision”. There are conflicting claims constantly coming from this beleaguered region and significantly they are coming from the same side. That side is Israel. Rather than accountability, perhaps our PM’s plea should be for credibility. Keith Betts, Pennant Hills
Surely the architect and director of the murderous mayhem currently being unleashed against Palestinians in Gaza must be held to account. Israelis and Palestinians are people. Both groups deserve to live and steps have to be agreed to make this possible. Discussions instead of destruction.
Steve Taverner, Gulgong
The killing of aid workers while delivering assistance in Gaza is unacceptable. The Israeli military says it is working “to understand all the circumstances of the incident” and that the Gaza war is the “gold standard of urban warfare”. This all-too-common explanation coming from the Israeli military is as dubious as ever, especially considering the aid workers were clearly identifiable. It is time for Australia to move from words to actions. Calling in the Israeli Ambassador is simply not enough. Australia must demonstrate that it will not be complicit in Israel’s disproportionate actions in Gaza. It needs to urge Israel, joining countries such as France, in agreeing to a lasting ceasefire with Hamas and a full resumption of aid. But not only that. The Australian Jewish Democratic Society calls on the Australian government to impose sanctions on Israel and encourage other countries to do so. As a first step, sanctions could include a ban on Israeli goods and services associated with the Occupied Territories and cancellation of the $950 million contract with Elbit to supply products for military vehicles. Larry Stillman, Australian Jewish Democratic Society
Those saying Ozempic is cheating need reading glasses
I’m with Hannah Vanderheide on the irony of those judging the use of Ozempic and labelling it as cheating (“Ozempic: less judgment will be worth the weight”, April 3). If that’s the case, should we sneer at people wearing prescription reading glasses who “just aren’t squinting hard enough”? Or roll our eyes at anyone taking anti-depressants who are simply “not in the game”. Or how about chemotherapy - “come on and just fight it”? It’s to be marvelled at, not mocked. Luke Crosthwaite, Surfers Paradise (Qld)
The hyping of Ozempic for weight is regrettable. The use of Ozempic as a weight loss drug has led to shortages for the diabetic patients for whom it is essential. As with all drugs, there are side effects to its use. It is an expensive injection given once per week. The clinical trials have only been on people on a healthy diet and lifestyle program. The effects without this are unknown, but likely to be less. It is a treatment for obesity, not a cure. If the dosage is stopped much of the weight lost is regained. Promoting any prescription medications to the public is a chancy proposition. Particularly so when the person doing prescribing does not have appropriate qualifications. Steve Bright, North Avoca
Vanderheide makes a good point regarding semaglutide (Ozempic) being labelled as weight loss cheating: let’s not judge. Weight management is far from one size fits all. As a GP, I have welcomed another tool in the kit to help combat the obesity epidemic. Body positivity is extremely helpful in dealing with society’s frequent disdain for the overweight but there are many potential medical risks that shouldn’t be ignored. Medically we have to address obesity or we’re not doing our job. We should do it respectfully and acknowledge how hard weight loss can be. Obese people often can’t exercise as effectively and can get injured more easily; there may well be a mood disorder as a cause or effect of the initial weight gain. Ozempic has a place, but it needs careful prescribing with blood test monitoring and should be reserved for diabetics in times of shortage. For a 30-year-old woman with lifelong obesity, insulin resistance blocking weight loss and threatening diabetes who wants to start a family, Ozempic would not be “cheating”. Lucy France, Cronulla
I take Ozempic. I am a type-2 diabetic and it, in combination with a suite of other medications, is finally holding my blood sugar at a safe and relatively healthy level, to the extent that I no longer have to have twice daily insulin injections. Yes, I have lost most of the weight I put on when I went onto insulin, but I wouldn’t take it merely for weight loss due to the other side effects. Constant nausea, inability to enjoy many foods and the need to be hyper-vigilant about eating times or I get much more ill.
I will continue to take Ozempic despite side effects due to the job it does on helping me manage my sugars. Weight loss is just a side effect as far as I am concerned and the difficulties I have had with accessing the drug due to shortages angered me at times.
As long as there is plenty available for people who use it for its intended purpose rather than the weight loss side effect, then go for it. Personally, I wouldn’t. Gregory Wade, Calala
If you want total quiet, move to the bush
What an appalling case of NIMBY behaviour and self entitlement for these few residents at Palm Beach to object to the extended hours of The Joey (“Trouble in paradise”, April 3). If the Kovacs and the Joneses want absolute quiet, they should move to the bush. The many locals who will be happy to have another evening dining venue in the area are rightly flabbergasted that these few councillors can change their minds on such flimsy grounds. Bruce Hall, Avalon
Matt Golding
One of the stranger foibles of the human species is the love of congregating in places like restaurants which feature loud music in order to socialise. The solution to the NIMBY complaint of The Joey at Palm Beach is simple: don’t play loud music. Richard Keyes, Enfield
So a few residents of Palm Beach are concerned about noise from a restaurant 600 metres away. Try living one metre away from an Airbnb - that’s a legitimate cause of complaint! Cornelius van der Weyden, Balmain East
As a muso, I can see both sides of the argument regarding loud music late at night (“Councils must resist the calls of noisy NIMBYs”, April 4). As a duo, my wife and I have played venues with noise restrictions. It is not a hard ask. We rely on venues for gigs and they rely on us to perform but within specific volume levels. If loud music is a problem, the venue would be wise to look at refining their clientele base and book entertainment that is appropriate. It is also up to musos to maintain discipline regarding volume. From past experience, bands get louder as the night progresses. I believe this is caused by two factors. One is overenthusiasm, the other, a weird stage phenomenon where the sound blends and artists can’t hear their own instruments. A recent survey suggests that musos earn around $6000 per year. No one can afford to lose a gig to noise issues. Bruce Clarke, Canberra (ACT)
Who could feel anything but sympathy for Palm Beach residents like Stephen Jones, held siege by the forces of conviviality? Here in Camperdown, within a similar 500-metre radius, there are dozens of noise emitting pubs, bars and restaurants whose faint music, effusive conversations and clinking glasses serve as a constant reminder that someone, somewhere, is having a better time than me. On some dreadful mornings I even find myself woken by the sound of children laughing in the park.
Colin Stokes, Camperdown
Functioning democracy
Corporate donations greatly exceeded donations by people entitled to be on electoral rolls but still could not buy the result of the 2023 referendum (“Yes campaign got millions more in donations than No”, April 3). Democracy is working. Ian Bowie, Bowral
Hold firm
What if left-leaning politicians stopped looking over their shoulders and stuck to the policies (and values) they espoused in opposition and which had them elected in the first place (“Labor’s knee-jerk approach a fail”, April 3)? But it seems once in power they imagine they have to put on their “big boy pants”, however ill-fitting, and out-brute the conservatives. Hint: they will never satisfy the opposition (or the conservative media). So hold firm on the issues that got you elected - including climate policy and a fairer society. The majority will support you and you’ll sleep better at night. Alison Stewart, Riverview
I wholeheartedly agree with Sam Norton. Nothing disappoints me more than to see Labor acquiesce in the Coalition’s disgusting politics on refugees, other than to watch them go lower still. This is not what their supporters expect.My only advice is for Labor to grow a backbone. Charmain Brinks, Newcastle
Wrist slap
For once, I agree with Lidia Thorpe. Her comment that a 5 per cent fine for MPs who breach parliamentary standards, is a mere “slap on the wrist” is right (“Cutting rogue politicians’ pay barely a penalty: Thorpe”, April 3). Most voters realise that their elected representatives are overpaid for what they do. They only need to see an empty parliamentary chamber to come to this realisation. Are their MPs slaving away in their offices for their constituents or are they all in the parliamentary bar consuming taxpayer subsidised drinks? MPs don’t need to be fined if they are found to have breached parliamentary standards, especially in financing their campaigns. They need to be fired. Geoff Black, Frankston (VIC)
A range of punishments are being considered to discourage MPs from behaving badly. The fact that some are already objecting to this proposal speaks volumes. Over recent times we have witnessed a whole range of unacceptable conduct in Parliament House from lack of respect to alleged criminal behaviour. Unfortunately, just having a code of conduct hasn’t been enough to prevent offences from occurring. Perhaps we need a more stringent screening of candidates for election, including background checks and psychological assessments. However, I can imagine the uproar over such a proposal. Graham Lum, North Rocks
Real global warming.Credit: Matt Golding
Climate irony
There’s a certain irony here (“Warning of risk from surges in new renewables,” April 3) As renewables are rushing into the grid, offering ever-cheaper energy, the profitability of our remaining coal-fired power stations is waning, hastening their demise. This, in turn, accelerates the need for renewables which, it is feared, may not arrive fast enough to keep the lights on. The answer is not to prop up our dinosaur power generators, but to speed up the rollout of wind, solar and big batteries. That is what South Australia is doing. Its grid is now 72 per cent renewable, and will be 100 per cent within the next three years. The national grid has just reached 40 per cent – double what it was five years ago. It can be done. The payoff will be lower power prices and reduced emissions. Who wouldn’t want that? Ken Enderby, Concord
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