Flutter自动打包ios ipa并且上传


该脚本会自动打包iios ipa 并自动上传,中间自动flutter clean ,自动 pod install
里面需要填写自己应用的 apiKey和apiIssuer
如我的例子中apiKey 为 1234 apiIssuer 为5678,
首先flutter 工程目录 新建 shell目录,目录下新建ipa.sh文件,拷贝如下代码

 # @author: wds
 # @description: 
 # @LastEditTime: 2024-09-04 17:42:02

echo "iOS 打包AppStore渠道包"

# Stop on errors
cd ..
set -e 

# Save current directory

# Clean the Flutter project
echo "Cleaning Flutter project..."
flutter clean

# Get all the dependencies
echo "Getting dependencies..."
flutter pub get

# Navigate to the iOS directory
echo "Navigating to the iOS directory..."

if [ -d "ios" ]; then
  cd ios
  # Install CocoaPods dependencies
  echo "Installing CocoaPods dependencies..."
  pod install

  # Go back to the original directory
  cd "$current_dir"
  echo "CocoaPods setup completed successfully."
  # Build the iOS app
  echo "Building the iOS app..."
  flutter build ipa --release --target=lib/main.dart
  echo "iOS app build completed successfully."

  # 上传
  echo "Upload ipa..."
  xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios -f build/ios/ipa/*.ipa --apiKey 1234 --apiIssuer 5678
  echo "Upload ipa successfully."
  echo "Error: 'ios' directory does not exist."
  exit 1

# Optional: Open the iOS project in Xcode (uncomment if needed)
# echo "Opening iOS project in Xcode..."
# open ios/Runner.xcworkspace

echo "All tasks completed successfully."


cd shell
执行 ./ipa.sh